The starting line of a race. My favorite place to be! I love running. I’m not scared. I’ve done this before. Everyone runs now how hard can this be? I glance to my left and right checking briefly to see if anyone else looks scared. Some people are jumping up and down and running back and forth near the start line. Why are they doing that? They have far too much energy. I wonder if today is the day I will get a personal best. Will I finish? The weather is perfect, today is the day. Or maybe it’s not. No, it has to be! What about that glute pain on my left side? What about that missed workout two weeks ago? Was that article online right? Will mileage count this time? What about that carb depleted training? Consistency? What about the missed sleep last night? Did I eat enough carbs at dinner last night? Oh I’ve got this. Today is the day. It’s a good day. It’s happening. What should my first mile be? Last time I went too fast. Or maybe I didn’t go fast enough? My foot hurts. I can do this even with my foot pain, I’m tough. I’ve got this. I love races! I paid for this? I’m scared.
Ever have these thoughts cross your mind at a race? At On Track Running Academy we want all of these thoughts and fears to stop. We want you excited at the start line and confident in knowing what that day has in store for you. Our goal is to get you to the start line uninjured, and able to achieve what you have in you THAT day. We teach you to listen to your body and identify pitfalls in training, to bust through plateaus, train smart, eat smart, and understand how to race and train in less than ideal weather conditions to maximize recovery always. Whether it’s tackling your first race, or getting you a Boston Qualifier, we will teach you how to find your personal best. We want YOUR starting line to look different than those around you. We want it confident in your ability, and excited to finish a great race on a great day, while enjoying the journey it took you to get there. Come Play with us!